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Root Canal Treatment

If your child’s tooth is severely infected and even though extraction may seem the only solution, your dentist may suggest Root Canal Treatment. 

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment for kids is a surgical procedure in which the diseased pulp from the child’s tooth and the rest of the tooth are preserved for the better oral health of the child.

The pulp is nothing but the tissue in all teeth. It contains nerves and blood vessels that fill out the roots of the tooth. The roots help the tooth to be attached to the gum and jawbones firmly. If the tooth is extracted instead of being saved, it can damage the structure of the gums and jaws of the child.

RCT helps remove bacteria from the infected root canal to save the tooth.

pediatric dental specialists

When does a child need RCT?

If required Dental Filling is not done on time, decay may progress and leads to dental pain. Post that the tooth slips into RCT. 

Severe pain in the tooth, and extreme pain when eating sweets or while having something hot or cold are common signs that you require RCT. An abscessed tooth causes infection at the root thereby pressing the nerves and causing a toothache.

RCT is needed when the pulp containing soft tissues, blood vessels, and nerves gets inflamed. If this infected pulp is not removed then the tooth may have to be extracted.

Some symptoms such as a feverish face, pain while chewing, or discharge around the tooth indicate the need for RCT.

Steps to perform RCT

We surely make sure that the treatment is smooth enough so your kids do not have any pain during the procedure.  

  1. The dentist will first examine the tooth to find the severity of the problem. He may use  X-Ray imaging to visualize the pulp chamber.
  2. Local anaesthesia will be administered to numb the affected area
  3. The infected pulp chamber and root canals are cleaned thoroughly and shaped
  4. Gutta-Percha- a bio-compatible material is then used to fill this space and replace the pulp of the tooth.
  5. Next, the space is sealed using temporary root canal filling.
  6. When the root canal crown is created, the filling is removed and the crown is then placed to restore the tooth.

Still confused?

Its time to Consult the best Pediatric Dentist in Surat: Dr. Pinal Kabrawala